jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

I love MUsiC!!!!!!

In my life I have had a lot changes with respect to the music. Passing the rock music until ballads music. But I have to say first encounter with the music was when I discovered I had talent with the sing and from there onward I started playing instruments and tune my ear. I like today listen and sing folklore not only with my friend and my family but also in the public transport. When I sing and also when I listen to the music I feel like elsewhere, the music I love, makes me dreams and I think will always be a song for every person and moment.
My favorite singers are the fabulous rocker Fito Paez , Fernando Delgadillo, Manuel Garcia, Nirvana, Alejandro Filio and the romantic music “ Ricardo Arjona” although today is failing me a bit because his repertoire of songs has not changed much but still I like. One of my favorites songs is “ Entre pairos y derivas” of Delgadillo, this is a beautiful romantic song which make me think that love exists along with “ Un vestido y un amor” of Fito Paez. In reality I have more song but if you want you can ask.
I love the music!!!... and If I could not hesitate for a second and I would be happy being a singer, I have my instrument and sure! I have my own band. But now never stop dreaming and I will sing in the public transport.

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