The Transantiago system has been quite a revolution in our capital. In my opinion this means of the transport have good input and besides other bad ideas. For example the bus model is much better than the previous bus because this is more comfortable as people will not so tight and the seats are comfortable. Another plus is that it no time is spent in getting coins to pay the ticket because now is the bip card. The problem is when I have not money and the minimum load is $300. Now, the transantiago have some problems with the tours, because I took a one bus to reach Pedro de Valdivia with Grecia, but in this moments or I walk some blocks or I took other bus what takes more time. Fortunately in my case, this change I have not brought very problems because the tour from my house to the university is direct and I take one bus :)
When Transantiago started I was totally confused because I was standing in the whereabouts long time to look for the numbers of the old bus because I forget that the routes and the numbers also changed. Then after a while I could get used to the system.
I think it is good but could be better!